More business destinations from Eindhoven Airport

Image -Alain Heeran- Studio040

Eindhoven Airport wants to improve the quality of the destinations served by the airport. That is why the airport makes it financially attractive for airlines to fly to certain destinations

According to the ED, Transavia will fly to Oslo thanks to the arrangement offered by the airport. In addition, Eindhoven Airport would like to add Munich, Zurich, Geneva, Berlin and Stockholm to the list of destinations.

The scheme only applies to destinations for which there is interest from the business community and region residents. In addition, the destination must be further away than 400 kilometres from Eindhoven Airport or cannot be reached within 4 hours by any other means of transport.

An airline using the scheme must fly to the destination three times a week for at least three years. The Airport has maintained the number of flight movements even while implementing this change.


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