Mariage notices

(–Ed: According to the Brazilian law, a marriage notice has to be published in the local media and therefor we are posting these on our website for our readers. We wish them lots of love and happiness in the future.)

Fabio and Paula

“Mr Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Amsterdam, using his legal powers as a result of the provision in Article 18, Introduction to the Dutch Civil Code (Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek), indicates that Mr Fabio Zomer Volpato, born on 16/August/1982, living in Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven, son of José Assis Volpato and of Josiane Zomer Volpato and Miss Paula Favoro Carrer, born on 21/March/1983, living in Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven, daughter of Rogério Miguel Carrer and of Deura Regina Favoro Carrer, have indicated that they wish to marry and have submitted all required documents in accordance with article 1.525, I – II, of the Brazilian Civil Code. Those who are aware of any impediment are obliged to notify this in accordance with the statutory provisions.”

“De heer Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-Generaal van de Federatieve Republiek van Brazilië te Amsterdam, gebruikmakend van zijn wettelijke bevoegdheden als gevolg van de bepaling in artikel 18, Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek, geeft te kennen dat de heer Fabio Zomer Volpato, geboren op 16/August/1982, woonachtig te Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven, zoon van José Assis Volpato en van Josiane Zomer Volpato en mejuffrouw Paula Favoro Carrer, geboren op 21/March/1983, woonachtig te Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven dochter van Rogério Miguel Carrer en van Deura Regina Favoro Carrer, te kennen hebben gegeven in het huwelijk wensen te treden en hebben daarvoor alle vereiste documenten overlegd volgens artikel 1.525, I t/m II, van de Braziliaanse Burgerlijk Wetboek. Degene die op de hoogte is van enig beletsel is verplicht hiervan kennis te geven in overeenstemming met de wettelijke bepalingen.”


Luciano and Katty

“Mr Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Amsterdam, using his legal powers as a result of the provision in Article 18, Introduction to the Dutch Civil Code (Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek), indicates that Mr Fabio Zomer Volpato, born on 16/August/1982, living in Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven, son of José Assis Volpato and of Josiane Zomer Volpato and Miss Paula Favoro Carrer, born on 21/March/1983, living in Jan Tooropstraat 32 / 5642AK / Eindhoven, daughter of Rogério Miguel Carrer and of Deura Regina Favoro Carrer, have indicated that they wish to marry and have submitted all required documents in accordance with article 1.525, I – II, of the Brazilian Civil Code. Those who are aware of any impediment are obliged to notify this in accordance with the statutory provisions.”

“Mr Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Amsterdam, using his legal powers as a result of the provision in Article 18, Introduction to the Dutch Civil Code (Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek), indicates that Mr Luciano Griebler Soares, born on 24-12-1981, living in Eindhoven, son of Cledy Soares and of Maria Eligia Griebler Soares and Miss Katty Otilia Motta Tosetto born on 10-01-1982, living in Eindhoven, daughter of Edino Paschoal Tosetto and of Maria de Fatima da Silva Motta, have indicated that they wish to marry and have submitted all required documents in accordance with article 1.525, I – II, of the Brazilian Civil Code. Those who are aware of any impediment are obliged to notify this in accordance with the statutory provisions.”

“De heer Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-Generaal van de Federatieve Republiek van Brazilië te Amsterdam, gebruikmakend van zijn wettelijke bevoegdheden als gevolg van de bepaling in artikel 18, Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek, geeft te kennen dat de heer Luciano Griebler Soares, geboren op 24-12-1981, woonachtig te Eindhoven, zoon van Cledy Soares en van Maria Eligia Griebler Soares en mejuffrouw Katty Otilia Motta Tosetto, geboren op 10-01-1982, woonachtig te Eindhoven dochter van Edino Paschoal Tosetto en van Maria de Fatima da Silva Motta, te kennen hebben gegeven in het huwelijk wensen te treden en hebben daarvoor alle vereiste documenten overlegd volgens artikel 1.525, I t/m II, van de Braziliaanse Burgerlijk Wetboek. Degene die op de hoogte is van enig beletsel is verplicht hiervan kennis te geven in overeenstemming met de wettelijke bepalingen.”

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  1. Queridos, estamos muito felizes de poder compartilhar desse momento. Vocês são um casal cheio de amor, cuidado e conseguimos ver a amizade que vocês tem.
    Amamos vocês e saibam que vocês podem contar conosco para qualquer coisa.

    Que a benção de Deus esteja sobre vocês para todo o sempre. ❤️❤️❤️

    Super beijos Thayse e Gui

  2. Dear Lu & Katty,

    We are so happy to share this moment with you and so grateful to have you both on our lives.
    We can see the love and caring among you that inspire everyone surrounding.

    We wish you all the best and God bless you in this beautiful journey together. ❤️❤️❤️

    We love you.

  3. Congratulations Luciano and Katty. Each of you is wonderful as a person and even better as a couple. This step that you took confirms the commitment that you already demonstrate along these years. Cheers!

  4. Dear Katty and Lu!
    Congrats my favorite couple!
    We are so excited to share with us this such an important step in your lives.
    We believe that this is a unique moment and we are so grateful to have you both in our lives.
    We wish you that God keep blessing your love!
    Cheers! S2


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