The premium for health insurance will increase on average by 10 euros per month next year (2019). This will be announced on ‘Prinsjesdag’ (Prince’s Day, 18 September), as reported by sources in The Hague.
The government expects an annual basic premium of around 1432 euros for 2019, 124 euros more compared to last year. This will be given a guideline for health insurers, who determine their rates themselves in the autumn.
The health insurance premium increases for five reasons: firstly, due to the good economy, wages and prices are rising in healthcare.
Furthermore, the premium was overestimated last year and therefore also the contribution by pensioners, entrepreneurs and employers. This must be rectified by raising the healthcare premium for the coming year.
Third, health care costs (without wages and prices) are also growing. This includes extra care provided by the aging population, new or better treatments and medical aids or medicines that have been added to the package.
In addition, since 2015 the financing of district nursing has gradually been transferred to health insurance.
Finally, the premium rises a bit extra for everyone because next year there is no change in the deductible/access (‘eigen risico’). In the coalition agreement it has been agreed that the maximum compulsory deductible will be frozen during this cabinet period at € 385 per year.
It is likely that premiums will also increase further in the coming years.
Towards the end of September until November 12, health insurers will announce their chosen health insurance premiums for the coming year. So you can find the information on the website of your health insurance company.