New season, new courses

Children with lanterns, Modersohn-Becker Source: wikimedia

After the summer, many institutions offer courses. One such is the Volksuniversiteit which offers many options.  A range of languages at various levels from Arabic to Greek to Dutch or Korean or Chinese, but also other courses, with a few in English. One such course is the poetry circle, aimed at those who like to discuss the ideas and images in poetry with like-minded people. This autumn, the theme is “Childhood: innocence or ignorance?”

The impact of a poem rests on the blend of ideas, emotions, and sensations. The good poets know the power of language to create this blend. The reader also brings something to the table: life experience. Sharing responses to poetry can be enormously rewarding.

Loss or gain?

In October a new circle starts at the Volksuniversiteit Eindhoven. Six sessions of poems that look back on childhood will form the focus for discussion. What elusive boundary did we cross when we were no longer children? Did we lose something, or discover something? Are we happy we left or do we look back with nostalgia?

Well known and lesser known poets will provide something to talk about: Wordsworth, Baxter, Schmidt, Haddon, Heaney, Duffy, e.e.cumings and Dylan Thomas. The course is intended for all levels of English. Language learners are also welcome.

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