Wim van Bokhoven (75) received the honourary title ‘Mierlose Mens’ on Friday evening. This annual award symbolises the modest and committed residents of Mierlo who dedicate themselves to the community in special ways.
The award ceremony took place in the cultural centre ‘t Patronaat, in the middle of the cherry village*. Mayor Jos van Bree was also present for a speech. He characterised the Mierlose Mens (person or human) 2025 as sporty, socially committed and enterprising. It is the 36th time since 1986 that the board of the Stichting (foundation) Mierlose Mens has considered the nominations received at the end of the year.
Although he was not born in Mierlo, Van Bokhoven has made a strong commitment to the local community. For example, his involvement in education was great, which was evident from his years of commitment to the school board of the Mierlo catholic schools. In addition, Van Bokhoven has been committed to housing in Mierlo for more than twenty years. In 1979, he joined the board of the housing association ‘Woningbouwvereniging Eigen Woning‘ (housing corporation own house), first as treasurer and from 1984 as chairman. He fulfilled this role until 1998.
In addition to his administrative and social commitment, Van Bokhoven was also active in sports. He played for many years at football club V.V. Mifano and held the role of chairman from 1997 to 2007. His social commitment was also evident from his commitment to people with Parkinson’s disease. Inspired by personal experiences in his family, he took the initiative in 2013 to set up a meeting centre in Helmond, where patients and their loved ones can support each other and share experiences. Van Bokhoven remained chairman of this centre for ten years.
Source: Studio040
Translated by: Bob
Ed.~ *Cherry village: Mierlo is called kersendorp, cherry village, because there are a lot of cherry growers in this village. There is a cherry fest, cherry auction and cherry route for example.