Studio Giftig and Queer040 among Cultuurprijs nominees

Studio Giftig and Queer040 among Culture Award nominees
Photo credit: Raymond Bruijns/Studio040

Cultuur Eindhoven has announced who has been nominated for the Eindhoven Culture Prize 2024. The nominees include graffiti artists Studio Giftig and LGBT+ organisation Queer040.

A total of nine organisations and individuals have been nominated for three categories of the Cultuurprijs. Frino, an act that combines hip-hop music with Brabant dialect, is up for the Stimuleringsprijs (incentive award). Theatre company Oortwolk and Queer040, which is committed to the LGBT+* community in Eindhoven, are also in the running for the prize.

Theatre company Basta Toneel is a contender for the Waarderingsprijs (appreciation prize) for cultural organisations. The graffiti artists of Studio Giftig  (poisonous) are also nominated, as is the breeding ground for artists, Kelderman and Van Noort.


Photographer Hildegard Hick has been nominated for the individual appreciation award together with painter Tarek Beshta. Bart van Dongen, musician and initiator behind Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek (pavilion unheard music), is also eligible for the award.


A total of 51 organisations, individual makers and initiatives were nominated by more than 200 people in the pre-selection. “In its selection, the jury took into account the distinctive characteristics and impact of the nominated parties”, Cultuur Eindhoven reports.

The winner of each category will receive a cash prize of €8,000. The award ceremony will be held on 28 October in Effenaar.

For more information: Eindhoven Cultuurprijs 2024

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

*LGBT is an abbreviation for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The abbreviation stands for the English words lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. There are also longer abbreviations in use, such as lhbti, lhbtiq and lhbtqia+, which include even more groups of people.

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