Polish festival in Muziekgebouw with 2,500 visitors sold out

First edition of Polish festival in Muziekgebouw sold out with 25,00 visitors
Photo credit: Muziekgebouw Eindhoven/Studio040

The first edition of the Witaj festival will be held in Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Eindhoven on Saturday. The day for the Polish community in the region is now sold out. A total of 2,500 tickets have been sold.

Witaj is partly organised by the local Polish community. There is a market during the day. Workshops can be followed here, and Polish products and delicacies can be purchased. Lady Pank will perform in the evening. The Polish rock band is coming to the Netherlands just for this concert. The band sold more than a million copies of their debut album in 1983.


For the new festival, Muziekgebouw is working with Polish organisations such as Polskie Gniazdo, Pools-Nederlandse Kultuur Vereniging (Polish-Dutch cultural association, PNKV) and Pools Podium (polish stage). With this event, the Eindhoven Podium wants to build a bridge with various communities in the region. Thousands of Poles work and live in Zuidoost- (southeast) Brabant. A similar festival is also organised for the Turkish community: Merhaba Eindhoven.

“We are convinced that the workshops and artistic performances at this festival will help us get to know each other better and that the Poles, of whom more than 3,000 live in Eindhoven, will feel like hosts in a place that has shown us so much sympathy and hospitality”, Grażyna Gramza, of PNKV, says.


That there is a need for a ‘party of their own’ among Poles in the region was already clear during the Polski Festival. Thousands of Poles also come together here every year. For more information : Witaj Eindhoven! | Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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