TU/e student Helena lived as astronaut for a week

TU/e student Helena lived as an astronaut for a week: ‘I would do it again’
Photo credit: AATC/EMMPOL/Studio040

While most students enjoy their summer by travelling to southern locations, 19-year-old TU/e ​​student Helena Tataj spent her summer vacation differently. Helena, together with four other students, followed an astronaut training near Krakow in Poland.

Helena is in her second year of her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics at TU/e ​​when she was given the opportunity to simulate a moon mission for the space company Analog Astronaut Training Center during her internship. “I have been fascinated by space travel and everything that has to do with the universe for a long time”, Helena says.

As a result, Helena spent a week with four other women in a closed space with the size of two large living rooms. She conducted scientific experiments, had to live according to a rigid schedule and had to meticulously record everything she did.

“The purpose of the simulation was to investigate how a real moon base should function and how we can make simulations more realistic. We therefore had to accurately record our own data, measure our body weight, measure our temperature, record our calorie intake and record how many calories we burned during exercise”.

Special relationship

The training was intensive, contact with the outside world was only via mission control. In addition, it was a special experience to be in such a small space with four strangers, Helena says. “The only private space you had was the gym. We got to know each other well through that, you build a very special relationship”, Helena says. “We are still in touch with each other”.


“It was especially special to experience what you need as a human being. What struck me most was how important it is for me to be in touch with nature”, the student says. “I really missed that during that week. But for the rest, it was actually quite good. The fact that we could only use a limited amount of water. There was enough drinking water, but we couldn’t shower and had to do everything with wet wipes, including doing the dishes. That was easier for us than expected. I would do it again”.

Next step

Helena doesn’t dare say yet whether she will also take the next steps to become an astronaut. “The training I am doing is very broad. For example, next year I will also take a number of lectures on finance. I find that interesting too, with my training I can actually go in all directions”.

However, the space sector is definitely beckoning after the astronaut training. “I am a huge fan of the first Star Trek series, so exploring space is a dream for me. It would be fantastic to be able to see the earth from a distance. Who knows, maybe one day it will happen. The moon simulation certainly makes me want more”,  Helena says.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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