‘Only demolish buildings if renovation is not an option’

Eindhoven City Council chamber
Source: Studio040

Eindhoven buildings should only be demolished if renovation is no longer possible. Rental homes should also only be demolished if replacement homes are built. This is the opinion of the Eindhoven political fractions of LPF, party for the animals, socialist party and 50Plus.

The four opposition parties (LPF, (list Pim Fortuyn), Partij voor de Dieren (party for the animals), SP (socialist party) and 50Plus) in the Eindhoven city council now believe that demolition is taking place too quickly and without good policy in the city.


According to the four fractions, this leads to all kinds of unpleasant and undesirable situations. Demolition is generally worse for the environment than renovation and demolition plans can lead to unnecessary stress among residents. For example, in the neighbourhoods Prinsejagt in Woensel and Tongelrese Doornakkers, residents previously became dissatisfied about the demolition of social housing.


The opposition parties therefore believe that stricter rules should be introduced. According to LPF, Partij voor de Dieren, SP and 50Plus, the municipality currently only takes into account the cultural-historical value of buildings if there is a demolition request. With the help of new policy, demolition should be permitted less quickly, they argue.

For example, companies or private individuals who want to demolish a building should first obtain a permit. Such a permit would then only be granted if renovation is no longer possible and plans for replacement new construction can no longer be reversed.

At the end of this month, the municipal council will consider the proposal of the four opposition parties.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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