Municipalities around Eindhoven value their independence

Mergers are not an issue for other regional municipalities, but nothing is being ruled out
Photo credit: Tim Vellinger/Studio040

Two weeks ago, research showed that a merger with Oirschot is the best option for the Municipality of Best. Studio040 asked whether merger plans are also being considered by other municipalities around Eindhoven. There are no plans, but mergers are not completely ruled out either.

The Municipality of Waalre has announced that it has no intention of considering a merger with a neighbouring municipality. The position of wanting to remain independent is widely supported in the municipal council. However, the financial position of the municipality is a recurring theme, with the tasks becoming increasingly complex and the municipality becoming increasingly dependent on ‘external cash flows’, Waalre reports. Partnerships such as Metropool Regio Eindhoven and Stedelijke Gebied Eindhoven (eindhoven urban area) are therefore becoming increasingly important, a spokesperson reports.


However, it is not certain that a merger will remain impossible in the future. “We are open to discussions about the future of the Municipality of Waalre. In an open dialogue and with a realistic view. The services for our residents, close by and tailored, remain a priority”,  a spokesperson for the municipality says.


Son en Breugel also does not see a merger with a neighbouring municipality happening any time soon. “Our 2022-2026 administrative agreement states that we want to remain independent”, a spokesperson for Son en Breugel says. The municipality does attach great importance to the cooperation with Nuenen and Geldrop-Mierlo. But this cooperation should ensure that Son en Breugel can remain independent, it is said.


The Municipality of Nuenen shares the same opinion, although the subject was discussed at the municipal council meeting of 5 June. The VVD submitted a motion to investigate closer cooperation with Son en Breugel in order to be able to deal with the shortages in the municipal civil service.

“We now see that civil servants are running their legs off to complete all the projects that are running in a proper manner. At the same time, there is a lot of turnover and hiring people is incredibly expensive. In addition, there is an increasing demand for specialist knowledge”, municipal councillor, Alex Appel, of the VVD, said at the time. “There are also many different structures in which cooperation can be agreed”.

Sit down together

Mayor Madeleine van Toorenburg recognises the problems that Appel mentioned, but finds the motion premature. “I would first like the municipal councils of Nuenen and Son en Breugel to sit down together to see what we can do for each other, and also to see what ideas the other organisation has about this theme. Only then would I take further steps”,  Van Toorenburg said.

The motion was subsequently withdrawn. It is therefore unclear to what extent the Nuenen municipal council is enthusiastic about closer ties with Son en Breugel.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob



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