Major computer failure caused by software code error

Criticism on plans Eindhoven Airport
Photo credit: Studio040

The cause of the major computer outage on Wednesday was an error in the software code in the heavily secured government network, Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans reports. According to him, there is no indication that malicious parties were involved.

“The cause of the problem lay in the access granted to the so-called NAFIN network,” Brekelmans wrote in a statement on X. Due to an error in the software code, it was not possible to connect to that network.

The final steps are now being taken to get the systems fully operational again. “All this shows once again how important it is for IT systems to be resilient. Defence is of course monitoring the situation and will evaluate this disruption with the parties involved.”

Flights cancelled

Due to the network failure, a large number of government, emergency and government services were down throughout the country on Wednesday. Flights could not depart from Eindhoven Airport, because it is a military airport. Emergency services could no longer communicate properly. And people could not log in to DigiD. The failure was largely resolved by mid-afternoon. The first flights departed from Eindhoven Airport again around five o’clock.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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