Geert has been Scouting volunteer for 50 years

Geert has been a volunteer at the scouts for 50 years, now the outdoor area bears his name
Photo credit: Studio040

The outdoor area of ​​Scouting Père Kersten has been renamed Geert Koenen Field. A tribute to volunteer Geert Koenen. He has been a regular at the scouting group in Stratum for fifty years.

Despite the fact that Geert is almost eighty, he can still be found at scouting Père Kersten every week. “Geert still climbs ladders, still stands with saws in his hand. Together with Bas he maintains the outdoor area here”, chairwoman, Wendy Bessembinders, says in her speech.

A task that he takes on with love and pleasure. He does not necessarily need recognition for that. “We know that you prefer to be the silent force in the background, but we cannot just let fifty years of volunteering pass by” adds Wendy.

Street sign

So from now on the scouts will play games and make fire on Geert Koenenveld (field). Under the watchful eye of the almost 80-year-old volunteer, because he is still closely involved with the scouting group.

“What I really hope is that you can stay with us for a very long time and maybe on a lower level than you do now. Thea wants you at home too and that is okay when you are eighty”, Wendy laughs.

And when Geert eventually would climb the ladder for the last time at the scouting, there is still the street sign that reminds him of him. “Very nice, truly nice”, the surprised volunteer says.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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