250 cats are looking for a home

animal shelter open day
Photo credit: Dierenbescherming/Studio040

There are currently 250 cats and kittens at the regional animal shelter, waiting for an owner. The shelter expects this number to rise further in the coming months. Reason for the organisation to hold an open day.

Cat behind bars

During the special kitten day next Thursday, animal lovers can come and have a look, at the Kanaaldijk-Noord in Eindhoven. ROZE Foundation (Regionale Opvang Zwerfdieren Eindhoven) wants to see if some of the cats can be housed with an owner. Potential new owners the chance to meet the animals and ask questions about what is involved in buying a cat.

Through this website, interested parties can sign up. The open day lasts from one to six in the afternoon. ROZE Foundation has been the shelter for stray animals in need for Eindhoven and fourteen other regional municipalities for two years. Every year, thousands of animals are taken in and cared for here, before they can be released into the wild or find a new home

Source: Studio040.nl

Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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