Tour ‘Walking over Bridges’ commemorates D-Day

Tour 'Walking over Bridges' commemorates D-Day
Photo credit: Studio040

6 June marks exactly 80 years since the Allies landed in Normandy, D-Day. It was the beginning of the liberation of Europe.

Son was one of the airborne zones of Operation Market. On 17 September, 1944, the bridge played an important role in the operation. The swing bridge on Kanaalstraat was the only bridge that the Germans had left intact and that had to be captured.


This historic moment will be commemorated on Sunday, 9 June, with a sporting event ‘Lopend over Bruggen’ (‘walking over bridges’). About 30 runners, including runners from Blixemsnel running group and De Springboks from Son en Breugel, bring the liberation fire in relay form from the centre of Eindhoven to Bevrijdende Vleugels (liberating wings) museum in Best. The 30 kilometres long route passes 25 war monuments in the region.

Walking route

A walking tour is also linked to the event. You can still register for this. A special route of sixteen kilometres has been set out from Son, which also passes war monuments. The walk starts at 10:00 a.m. and at 12:15 the walkers arrive at the museum in Best to welcome the runners and to attend the lighting of the liberation fire.

To enrol

In 2019, during the 75th anniversary of the liberation, the run with the lighting of the fire was already a success. Walkers can choose from a guided walk on Sunday with lunch and access to the museum, but walking alone is also an option. You can register via the website of museum Bevrijdende Vleugels.

For more information : Museum Bevrijdende Vleugels: Openingtimings and Route | (

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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