Significant growth in jobs in the Eindhoven region

Significant growth in jobs in the Eindhoven region
Photo credit: Collin Beijk/Studio040

The Eindhoven region remains a job engine. 28,500 jobs were added in the past four years. Significant growth is also predicted for this year and next year.

This is evident from figures from the UWV (institute for employee insurance). The organisation believes that another 10,000 jobs will be created in Zuidoost (southeast) Brabant in the next year and a half. When it comes to employment, the region is growing relatively the fastest in the Netherlands.


Particularly in the industry, technology sector, healthcare and education, hands are being sought. Employers in those sectors are faced with major staff shortages. However, UWV expects that there will be slightly more air in the coming period. The economy is cooling down somewhat and the labour market is entering calmer waters, or so the forecast is. “But the shortages have not gone away. In addition, many people will retire within the next few years”, Jessie Vossen of the benefits agency says.

Due to staff shortages, companies are investing more often in educating and training staff. The shortage of hands leads to reduced production and increased workload in various places, according to the regional branch of the UWV.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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