Plans for a huge police complex in Meerhoven

Just a little patience: plans for a huge police complex will not be known until after the summer
Photo credit: Bewonersvereniging Meerhoven/Studio040

The plans for the new, large police complex on Land Forum on the outskirts of Meerhoven will not be presented until after the summer.

Initially, the plans were to become clear in mid-May, but that was not achieved. The police want to build a large-scale complex on the site, located on the outskirts of Meerhoven, next to A2. It would include central housing for the Oost (east) Brabant Police, a police academy, a cell complex, riot police and a fleet of vehicles. 1,800 employees and 500 students will work at the complex.

The master plan was shared with the surrounding area at the end of 2023, after which it will be further developed. These will also be presented after the summer holidays, after which the design phase can start. The police are currently selecting the architects for the project.

Construction is expected to start in 2027. This also depends on the ruling of the ‘Raad van State’ (council of state) on the zoning plan, the municipality reports. It is not known when that ruling will come.

What is clear is that the arrival of the complex means that Sliffertsestraat will be relocated. It is not yet known what this means for the homes there. The houses are owned by the Municipality of Eindhoven.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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