Over 10,000 visitors for High Tech Discovery Route

Pic credit : Eindhoven news

The High Tech Discovery Route was visited by over 10,000 people on Saturday.


Pic credit : Eindhoven news

The event attracted many parents with children. They could step into another life with VR glasses on, program robot cars themselves or take part in a drone challenge. There was also plenty to discover in the Philips Museum. There, children were playfully shown the difference between X-ray and MRI. The PSV bus transported guests from one company to another on the High Tech Campus. And visitors could have their picture taken with mascot Phoxy and the championship trophy.

Discovery route
Pic credit: Eindhoven news

Easily accessible
And at Summa College they could get back to work themselves. Using paper, a scanner and clay, they could design their own game dolls and a controller. With these, they could compete with each other. In this approachable way, the companies and educational institutions showed how fun and creative technology can be.

The organisation, Brainport Development is pleased with the turnout and looks back on a successful day. “There was room for more visitors. But of course there was also the Pride in the city, another great public event”.

Source: Studio040.nl

Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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