Eindhoven receives money for development of Stadhuisplein

Eindhoven receives money from The Hague for the development of Stadhuisplein
Photo credit: Gemeente Eindhoven/Studio040

The Municipality of Eindhoven has received a subsidy of almost €4.000,000 from the Dutch government for the development of Stadhuisplein. 800 homes should be built opposite the town hall.

The €4.000,000 comes from the pot from which subsidies were previously obtained for the VDMA site (613 homes) and ‘Stads-hart’ (city heart) Woensel (3,000 homes). The contribution from this national ‘Woningbouwimpuls’ (construction impulse, WBI) should enable an acceleration of the housing construction task in Eindhoven.

With this subsidy, construction projects that consist of at least 50 per cent of affordable housing can have part of the deficit covered by the government.

‘Feasibility under pressure’

“Our housing construction challenge is large and the financial feasibility of many projects is under pressure”, councillor Mieke Verhees (housing) says. “This support from the government is very good news, so that home seekers will soon have a nice place”.

Alderman Rik Thijs – responsible for the development of Stadhuisplein – is also happy with the money: “The real estate developments around Stadhuisplein lead to many additional affordable homes. The green basic design of the square, with space for water, events and manifestations, is also important”.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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