Bull Tigrus escapes and ends up in a backyard

Taurus Tigrus gets homesick and ends up in Son en Breugel's backyard
Photo credit: Omroep Brabant/Studio040

Suddenly Annie Verhaegh had a bull in her backyard, in the middle of her residential area in Son en Breugel. Bull Tigrus had swum across Dommel with his 800 kilos and walked into the residential area. He was a bit homesick, but was lost.

“I suddenly received a message with a video”, livestock farmer Leon Moonen begins to say. He has more than thirty Limousine cattle grazing at home, including the bull Tigrus, which he suddenly saw swimming across Dommel on the video. That was quite a shock. “Yes, he wanted to go to his old herd”.

Tigrus had just been ‘relocated’, from Nijnsel to Sint-Oedenrode. But Tigrus became homesick. “I was asked whether one of my cows had swimming lessons”, Leon says. “You have to pay close attention, because he is fast. Those animals can swim like the best”.


Moonen now tells it with some humour in his voice, but a few hours ago the panic had really set in. “The police said he was walking towards the highway”, he said. And shortly afterwards, Tuesday evening in Son en Breugel also became very special.
72-year-old Annie, who was quietly sitting in the living room watching football on a German TV channel with Alanis Morissette music in the background, was shocked. She suddenly had Tigrus in the garden, licking her window.


“Tigrus is now a year and a half old and weighs 800 kilos, but he will continue to grow for a few more years”, Moonen says. “Then it weighs twice as much. And then you’ll be even more shocked”. But if we have to believe Annie, the bull remained very calm.
“He was very calm and he let himself be caught with carrots”, she laughs. In the meantime, half the neighbourhood had come out to see Tigrus’ adventure and Moonen had already come to Son to catch his bull. And fortunately: “It all went smoothly”.


Tigrus is now doing well again, even after his exciting adventure. “He is doing well and fortunately not stressed”, his owner says. So probably everyone in the neighbourhood found it more exciting than the horned adventurer himself.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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