150 children participate in graffiti competition

Making graffiti
Making graffiti

Though prohibited in most places, about 150 primary school students from group 7 were allowed to compete to create the most beautiful graffiti artwork in Berenkuil, Eindhoven.

In recent weeks, the children have had lessons about spraying graffiti and have learned the tricks of the trade. The competition is part of the graffiti festival Step in The Arena.

While she is busy squirting, a girl explains in detail how it works. “With the green buttons you can spray thinly and with the black caps you can spray thickly. If you spray from a distance, you get more splashes and up close more drops.”

Initiator Mike Dobber is impressed by the skills of the students. “I’m amazed at some of the work. I see good techniques that our teachers have been able to convey well.”

Neighbour and neighbour

The theme this year is neighbours. The subject appears everywhere in the artworks, from neighbour and neighbour to a neighbourhood barbecue. The competition was over in a few hours, but the children had to wait anxiously to find out who won. Finally, ‘T Karregat primary school emerged winners. The winners received a golden spray can and will show their skills during Step in the Arena on June 15 and 16.


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