Trefpunt Groen wants Wielewaal biodiversity safeguarded

De Wielewaal Pic credit : | San van Suchtelen

Trefpunt Groen wants Eindhoven city council to think carefully about opening up De Wielewaal to the public. Indeed, according to the foundation, De Wielewaal is a unique piece of nature that should be treated with care.

According to Trefpunt Groen, the Wielewaal should remain a core of peace and quiet for the benefit of the area’s biodiversity. After all, that part of the Stadsbos has been closed to people for decades. The biodiversity there should also be properly mapped.

For the sake of peace and quiet in the area, the interest group says it is also important that no dogs are allowed in the area – not even on a leash. This is because dogs disturb the peace in the area, including by chasing wild animals, writes Trefpunt Groen. Moreover, dog owners have plenty of other places that allow them to go out with their four-legged friends.


Finally, Trefpunt Groen writes that it hopes that the paths through the Stadsbos will be well thought-out, and that no large groups of people will be led through the heart of De Wielewaal. The foundation therefore thinks the proposal to lead a ‘stroll path’ through old pieces of forest that have been closed for decades is a bad idea. However, according to Trefpunt Groen, there are opportunities to address existing, redundant paths near De Grote Beek and the Herdgang when redeveloping the paths.

Trefpunt Groen does stress that it is not opposed on principle to opening the Wielewaal to the public. However, this should be done in a way that protects and maintains biodiversity in the area.


Translated by : Anith Sevugan

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