Horeca industry in Eindhoven has no intention to cooperate with the app check

Horeca Eindhoven
Picture credit: studio040

The Eindhoven horeca (hotel and catering) industry has no intention of cooperating with the monitoring of the CoronaCheck-app with their customers. This is what Ruud Bakker, frontman of the local branch of Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, said on Monday morning.

The hotel and catering association is furious about the leaked measures that the caretaker cabinet decided on this weekend. Apart from the control measure, the catering industry remains bound to a closing time of midnight. Ruud Bakker: “For us, these are a few steps backward at a time when the rest of society is taking two steps forward. Also, when we have shown that it can be done safely and that we don’t cause sources of infection.”

No compensation

Bakker took into account relaxations. “Open for an hour longer. For some people, that can already save a thousand euros. The whole of society is becoming more flexible, but for us, the brakes are being put on even more. Outrageous!” The measures will mainly affect the so-called ‘wet’ hospitality industry (pubs, clubs) because they are open until later. Restaurants will pay particular attention to the app check. But if it is up to Ruud Bakker, the entrepreneurs will not cooperate. “We have to free up capacity for that. Who is going to pay for that? You don’t hear them talking about compensatory measures. What’s more, the support measures will be cancelled next month.”

Bakker, owner of steakhouse Dommel 18, cannot yet say whether there will be more actions in Eindhoven. “My colleagues are considering it. But it should be clear that we are resisting.”

Source: studio040.nl

Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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