Tomorrow is King’s day – King Willem Alexander’s birthday. But what’s a birthday without gifts?
The King is also celebrating his big day right here in Eindhoven. So, last week, children from De Korenaar primary school recorded a short video message. It’s their present to the King.
They did so thanks to CultuurStation and their mobile studio. CultureStation has done a project with youngsters in Eindhoven. It’s called ‘Leve de Koning stories!’ (‘Long live the King stories!).
Children from the Eindhoven region could record short video messages for the Dutch king. This, and other videos, will be shown on the special Eindhoven Koningsdag website. That will be on the day.
They will be on CultuurStation’s YouTube channel for a week after King’s Day.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Melinda Walraven