Earlier this week, the Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap – NHG (Dutch College of General Practitioners) launched GPinfo.nl.
GPinfo.nl is the English version of Thuisarts.nl. This website offers reliable, up-to-date information. This is on health topics and healthcare in the Netherlands.
It has a two-fold goal. Firstly, it aims to empower people with health-related questions. And it wants support GPs in their care for English-speaking patients.
Thuisarts.nl is a Dutch independent health information website. It’s based on scientific guidelines for GPs and medical specialists. It also advises people with mental health issues.
Almost five million people visit this website per month. It’s recognised by Dutch national authorities too. And. It is used by just about every GP in the country. But, it is, of course, all in Dutch.
The information provided on the English version is clear and easy to understand for non-medical readers. Visiting GPinfo.nl can help people with health-related questions to feel better-informed. The website also helps people to decide whether or not a GP-visit is needed.
Important topics
GPinfo.nl currently contains a selection of important topics. These include information on the most common health issues. Or how to prepare for a consultation with your GP. Or even how healthcare is organised in the Netherlands, and where to find more information.
GPinfo.nl is available as a pilot project until the end of 2020. Internationals are encouraged to visit the site and leave feedback. That’s needed to improve the website and help evaluate the pilot project.
This pilot project aims to show the English Thuisarts.nl’s version’s potential effect. That’s in terms of its impact on internationals and GP practices. NHG will collect user feedback, using an exit survey and interviews.
The Dutch College of GPs will also collect feedback from GPs through interviews and an online survey. This data will help improve the service. If the pilot project bears positive results, NHG could expand the number of English topics.
They could even make a case for a permanent multilingual Thuisarts.nl/GPinfo.nl website. GPinfo.nl was set up in collaboration with various parties. These include internationals and the GPs who mainly work with them.
They also partnered with Healthcare for Internationals (H4i.nl). This a non-profit network that wants to help make the Dutch healthcare system more accessible for international patients. The NHG created GPinfo.nl’s content.
They did so along with several other institutions. These are the Dutch Federation of Medical Specialists and Akwa GGZ (a mental health care quality association). The Patients Federation of the Netherlands and Healthcare for internationals were also involved.
Source: Healthcare for Internationals