More likely than not, the number one issue for parents moving to a new country is finding a school for their child that fits best their child and family’s needs.
It can become very stressful to learn about the new educational system and regulations and local habits. Not to mention practicalities related to an ordinary school day and, of course, the language issue. This is why Meerhoven Internationals Platform is organising an Education Event on Saturday, 23 June, between 09:30 and 12:30.
They are doing this in cooperation with local schools and kindergarten. The purpose of the event is to provide information about the Dutch educational system and childcare to international parents living in the Meerhoven area. During the event representatives of Meerhoven primary schools, ‘t Slingertouw, Startbaan, and the Korein Kinderplein nursery school will all hold presentations in English about their child-care and child education facilities. There will then be an opportunity for questions.
Korein Kinderplein has very generously agreed to provide free childcare during the whole event for those who will bring their children along. If you would like to attend, please register with the Meerhoven Internationals Platform on their facebook page or by emailing internationals@meerhoven.
The venue still has to be determined.