The Netherlands’ liberation is remembered and celebrated in May.
The Eindhoven~Kobanê group, therefore, invites people from different countries to have a conversation about different experiences with regards to war and peace. On Thursday, 10 May, people are invited to share a meal at 2 Hertog Street in Eindhoven.
After getting acquainted and having a meal, participants will watch a Dutch documentary. It is entitled “De Verloren Kinderen van het Kalifaat“ (The Lost children of the Caliphate). It tells the story of a father’s search for his children in a war zone. The group then wants to have a discussion about what kind of reactions this film evokes.
Doors open at 18:30 and a meal cost only EUR5. If you donate more, it will be used to help educate handicapped people in North Syria. There will also be live music.
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