Municipal election results – Green is the new orange

The Municipal election results

The VVD is the largest party but the Groen links party has the most gains. The rose (PvdA) has shed 2 petals but has held ground. The D66 retains 6 out of the last term’s 7. The CDA has mustered 6 seats while the SP is down to 4. The newcomer DENK has opened the account with a maiden seat and CU remains unchanged at 1. The OAE, LPFE and 50 Plus each have 2 seats. For detailed results

Coalition Equation

The election results have time and again indicated in favour of a coalition. The parties would work on the math based on their chemistry with the other parties. However, the political parties would take care not to align with those parties that don’t go along with their guiding principles. The sitting coalition has the numbers but that is just a speculation. The next few days are going to be interesting to see how the alliances develop. You can get more information on votes per party and votes per candidate at

Internationals at the booth

The voting for the advisory referendum on the intelligence and security services and the voting for the municipal elections took place at the same time. So it gives a  clear indication of how many internationals could have voted in this election. The voter turnout for the referendum was 77332 while that was 82994 for the municipal elections. So in effect, we can assume that about 5.5 thousand of the voters were internationals. This is a claim based on an assumption that people who voted for the referendum also voted for the municipal elections.

Wait and Watch Period

The adrenalin rush in the political parties has to become normal before the parties participate in negotiations. A mosaic of emotion, ambition, ideology and statesmanship could unfold…….Little birds on the corridors of the city hall could know more…..Let’s wait and watch.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

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