A special awards ceremony at Strabrecht College in Geldrop.
Suze Bax and Dylano Adriana have won a prize with their design for a promotional gift for VDL-ETG. It was an assignment of VDL within the subject Brainport & Technique. The assignment read: ‘come up with a promotional gift which represents our company and that we can give to anyone as a promotional gift who visits our company’.
After that a company visit followed during which the pupils did not only get to know the company but also several production processes. Then they started working in teams. They made a design of their ideas which was mostly being portrayed in a model.
Finally Suze Bax and Dylano Adriana seemed to have the best design. They included the slogan of VDL and the Enabling Technologies Group ‘power – knowledge – cooperation’ in their design. VDL-ETG have run the design. It is presented at school this afternoon.
Source: Studio040.nl
Translated by: Bob