Consultation about extended opening hours of supermarkets has been difficult so far. This emerges from questions the Democrats 66 asked in the council. They want to speed-up the process. They are in favor of supermarkets being open before 12:00 hrs on Sunday.
Locals living in the neighborhood of supermarkets expressed their fear already in the council held in December last year. They complain about the noise produced during loading and unloading trucks before 12:00 hrs. It was already agreed that former alderman Van Kaathoven will investigate possible solutions together with the central organisation for food-trade. Till now there is no solution.
The Democrats now want to know if and when a solution can be expected. They also want to hear what creative solutions can be produced for businesses that are able to reduce the sound-level on Sunday mornings.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Christoph van der Reijden