The Brainport region Eindhoven is becoming more important to the overall growth of the Dutch economy. In the past the major contributors to the Dutch economy were the ‘mainports’ of Schiphol and the Rotterdam port, this however is no longer the case. This is the conclusion of de Raad voor de Leefomgeving en Infrastructuur (Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure). The report of their findings was presented today to the cabinet of ministers.
What makes the Brainport region so strong according to the advisory council is the collaboration between educational institutions, government and commerce, the so-called Helix. This emphasis on collaboration is something which the other regions in the Netherlands can learn from. In addition the region distinguishes itself through its emphasis on research and development and high quality products.
Instead of speaking of ‘mainports’, the council now speaks of ‘kerngebieden’ (core areas). And Brainport region Eindhoven belongs to this category alongside Schiphol and Rotterdam port. Mayor Van Gijzel considers this recommendation as a positive stimulus: "In a way the council is advising us to use a new economic model in which the investment climate plays a more central role. It is all about the new economy and other forms of collaboration."
Source: Studio040
Translator: Jennifer den Dekker