In a letter to all supermarkets in Eindhoven, Mayor Jorritsma urged shopkeepers to regulate the large flow of visitors during the holidays.
Jorritsma says in the letter that the contamination figures are still much too high. Due to the holidays and the closure of other stores, the supermarkets will be unprecedentedly crowd.
The mayor therefore asks the involved entrepreneurs to regulate the large customer flow. “As an entrepreneur and/or manager, you have a duty of care to ensure that your customers shop responsibly. I would urge you to fulfill that duty of care, especially in the busy days ahead. In particular, ensure that customers are sufficiently spread in the store, so that customers do not accumulate in certain departments and that it is no longer possible to keep a sufficient distance”, says the mayor.
Besides, Jorritsma says that during the Christmas season, supervisors are monitoring the situation in the supermarkets.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Shufei