On Friday afternoon, the police arrested a 36-year-old from Gestel who threatened officers with death and infection with COVID-19.
The 36-year-old man was found on Friday afternoon on Bellinistraat in Eindhoven in his half-parked car. The Eindhoven citizen was approached by police officers and asked if everything was all right. The man then got out of the car at one point and went to the police.
The suspect indicated that he was infected with the coronavirus and threatened to infect the police officers. The police then decided to arrest him, after which they were threatened by the 36-year-old from Eindhoven. One of the officers was spat in the face during the struggle. Ultimately, the police managed to arrest the man. He is in prison for further investigation.
Both agents have reported attempts of serious assault. The suspect will be brought to the examining magistrate on April 14 and a summary hearing is scheduled for April 21.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Dirk