17.1 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Annual overview Eindhoven 2023

Look back: the annual overview of Eindhoven

The rapid growth of the region, climate demonstrations, more and more homeless people in the city and tensions due to wars in the world:...
Investigations identify racist behaviour at TU/e

TU/e presents new solar car that drives over rough terrain

Student team Solar Team Eindhoven, from Eindhoven University of Technology, has presented a new solar car that is made for rough terrain. The Stella Terra,...
HTC - ASML bike path route adaptation

Alternative to express bike path never an option

The Advies Regiegroep (advisory direction group) of the Municipality of Eindhoven, which looked into the route of the express bike path between the High...
VDL acquires De Meeuw

VDL to continue as VDL De Meeuw

Eindhoven-based VDL is acquiring construction company De Meeuw in its entirety. International industrial family business VDL has already held 50 per cent of the...
Waterboards trying to prevent flooding and draught

De Dommel Water Board doubles budget for climate adaptation

Waterschap (water board) De Dommel is setting aside €4,000,000 annually to support projects to ensure that rainwater is better retained. That's double the original budget....

Geldrop-Mierlo distribution centre scrapped

The plans for a large distribution centre at Eeneind-West in Nuenen have to be scrapped. That is the call made by the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo,...

Eindhoven may need to adjust existing building structures due to an increase in toxic...

Eindhoven may have to take extra safety measures for buildings and public space in front of the railway. This is due to possible new...
Mayor and Aldermen protect protesting students TU/e

City council behind TU/e after University Rebellion

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen is mild about the heavy-handed removal of TU/e students from the university's boardroom. This appears from answers to...

Go green! Apply for a green subsidy in a few simple steps

It takes the whole communiy to prepare Eindhoven for the increasingly massive downpours, heatwaves or droughts. Do you own a home or business premise...
Power grid

160 companies in Brainport region wait for a connection to the power grid

In the Brainport region, 160 companies are waiting for a new or heavier connection to the power grid. The waiting list has become about three...