ASML and Summa college enable free Dutch lessons

Summa college

ASML and Summa College will work to ensure 800 internationals receive language lessons. The Dutch lessons should help the newcomers find a job faster.

The Eindhoven MBO institution will train 800 adults. The language lessons are tailored to the direction the student is looking for work. This could include healthcare, education or the technology sector. This will help address the shortage of personnel in these sectors in the Brainport region.


ASML is supporting the project financially.  “There is so much potential in the region, but language is a barrier. Both during the application process and in the work people already did in their home country. In this way, we contribute to filling jobs,” says Marjolein de Hooge of ASML. “This collaboration offers us the opportunity to help a large group of newcomers, which means we contribute to the economic and social self-reliance of this group,” adds Régine van Lieshout of Summa College.

Language level B1 is required to participate independently in society. It supports following a training course, finding and keeping a job and building a social network. The course is for adults who are not employed by ASML, live in the Brainport region and are registered with Taalkracht. The lessons are expected to start on 1 December and will be offered both during the day and evening. With an intensive program of 40 weeks, the participants will be brought to language level B1. The lessons start in December and are free for participants.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj


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