Party for the animals wants to get rid of horses in Pride

The Party of the Animals wants to get rid of horses in Pride
Photo credit: Studio040

It is not conducive to the well-being of horses that they have to participate in Gay Pride. Partij voor de Dieren (party for the animals, PvdD) believes this.

The fraction has sent a letter to the College of Mayor and Aldermen in which it calls the parade a beautiful new tradition, in which horses do not belong.

“Still, and even increasingly, the LGBTQIA+ community does not experience social equality. In light of Pride, we were surprised that a horse-drawn beer cart was part of the parade. Anyone who takes the interests of the horses into account sees that this has nothing to do with freedom or equality”, the party said.

The fraction believes that the noise is too loud for the horses and wants the municipality to pay more attention to the welfare of the animals. If the rules are broken at the next Pride, action must be taken, the party believes.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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