Brainport and PSV launch new campaign

PSV procession -credit: Studio040

The Brainport region is growing fast and is hugely diverse. Brainport Eindhoven and PSV have launched a new campaign to connect to more residents. In collaboration with DJ La Fuente, the song ‘7 Days Long’ by the Eindhoven band BOTS has been given a new look.

Fifty years ago, BOTS released ‘7 Days Long’. This was a reason for Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Eindhoven’s mayor and Brainport Foundation’s chairman, to perform the well-known song at the New Year’s reception last January. ‘The lyrics of the song are about the mentality of the people here and are part of the identity of this region’.

The best example of celebrating together is the recent PSV championship, where everyone came together and celebrated the success. With the new campaign, Brainport Eindhoven and PSV provide tips and suggestions to connect better. ‘Because whoever you are and wherever you come from, the feeling of celebrating together creates a strong connection and fraternisation’.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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