Weverijmuseum Geldrop has good news

Julie proudly displays her winning design. Picture source: Studio040

The municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo plans to increase the subsidy to the Weverijmuseum (Museum of Weaving) over the next five years by a total of more than 500,000 euros. This allows the museum to invest in manpower and management. The money will also enable more exhibitions and renovation of the museum building.

Alderperson Peter Looijmans of Culture: “We have many ambitions for the museum, which fits in so well with the DNA of our municipality and the ambitions in the region. So it is good if the museum can get to work quickly.”

Added value

Interim director Jolijn Brouwers adds: “With this super positive decision, we can further develop the quality and added value of our museum in the region in all kinds of ways. We can’t imagine a better gift for our 40th anniversary. A lot is expected of us too of course!”

If the Weverijmuseum becomes successful within the Brainport region, this will also generate additional income for the municipality as a whole. For example, by possible overnight guests with a hotel stay or day visits in Geldrop-Mierlo.

School project

And there was more good news from the Weverijmuseum. The winner of the school project to design a new tea towel for the museum was announced last week. It is Julie from primary school Dommeldal from Geldrop. Her tea towel has actually been put into production and will be on sale in the museum for a year.

According to the jury, Julie’s work stood out because of her graphic work in which she incorporated the highlights of Geldrop-Mierlo, including the weaver’s knot. ‘The design is nice and playful. It was challenging and appropriate for the museum and the environment’.

The tea towels and designs by the students of the school project can be seen during the summer exhibition ‘From tea towel to design object’, with which the museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of textile artist Mariëtte Wolbert.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Shanthi Ramani

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