3000 people expected at protest march in Eindhoven

Protest march in Eindhoven
Photo Credit: Chaitali Sengupta, Eindhoven News

Eindhoven Municipality has approved a protest march under the banner Walk For Freedom. They have given a permit for this event. The event is going to take place on Sunday between two and four in the afternoon. They are expecting around three thousand participants.

In recent months, Walk For Freedom has had demonstrations in other cities. People who are against the corona measures gather in these events. They preach freedom, love, and democracy. It is a “dynamic” demonstration, where participants walk through the city. They shall start and finish at the parking lot at the Stationsweg in Eindhoven. The organizer will place, among other things, a car with a trailer containing sound speakers.

The demonstration Walk for Freedom requires a large commitment of police and municipal employees, Mayor John Jorritsma said in a letter. Earlier a demonstration in Eindhoven against, among other things, the curfew ended in disturbances.

Continuously on the move
To prevent riots like the one in January, Jorritsma has set conditions for the demonstration. The organization must deploy at least one supervisor of its own for every 25 participants. Participants must always keep a 1,5-meter distance from each other and the procession must keep moving continuously.

Source: Omroepbrabant.nl

Translation: Chaitali Sengupta who also gives online INBURGERING classes.


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