Novasports receives 40,000 euros development fund

Picture Courtesy: Novasport for Studio040

The Nuenen company Novasports has won an innovation prize worth 40,000 euros from the province of Noord-Brabant for playground equipment that the company designed. The province awards the cash prize because it wants to encourage children to play outside.

The device is called Moby Playground. Children can climb on it and crawl through it. The device also stimulates children with spoken commands, music and lights. A prototype of the playground equipment is currently at a primary school in Dommelen.

The province of Noord-Brabant says it is pleased with the playground equipment. “The Moby is a great example of a contemporary solution to get children moving naturally and appealingly,” says provincial sports deputy Bas Maes. “Research shows that more exercise is really necessary to prevent health problems later in life”.

Novasports has announced that it will use the prize money to further refine the design. The new version will be released no later than next spring.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha



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