Increase in psychological problems among youth

Almost one in four youths in the Eindhoven region suffer from psychological complaints. This is evident from research by the regional GGD. The health service is concerned about the well-being of young people.

Status Quo

The organisation also conducted research into this during the pandemic. The situation has not improved in a few years. “The number of young people with psychological complaints remains high,” writes the GGD Zuidoost-Brabant. Stress is an important factor here. More than four in ten young people often experience stress. Homework, performance pressure and social pressure are mentioned as the leading causes.

Social media

There are also concerns in other areas. For example, the GGD calls the increasing use of social media problematic. This is worrying for ten percent of young people. These young people lack sleep or do not get enough time to attend school due to the use of social media. Furthermore, smoking is becoming somewhat more popular among young people. Alcohol use did not increase.


Young people were bullied more often at schools in the Eindhoven region, the GGD writes in the same study. For example, the number of teenagers who were bullied at school in the last three months increased from eleven to fifteen percent. More young people can turn to someone if they have problems. This percentage is significantly higher than a few years ago.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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