(–Ed: We are posting this on our website for a reader, and we wish them lots of love and happiness:)
“Mr Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Rotterdam, using his legal powers as a result of the provision in Article 18, Introduction to the Dutch Civil Code (Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek), indicates that Mr Marcel Dorti Silva, born on 22-05-1983, living in Eindhoven, son of Clais Silva and Maria Antonia Dorti de Oliveira Silva and Miss Carla Priscila Deyse Henrichs, born on 13/04/1982, living in Eindoven, daughter of Henrique Henrichs Neto and of Maria Odete Ramos Henrichs, have indicated that they wish to marry and have submitted all required documents in accordance with article 1.525, I – II, of the Brazilian Civil Code. Those who are aware of any impediment are obliged to notify this in accordance with the statutory provisions. ”
“De heer Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, Consul-Generaal van de Federatieve Republiek van Brazilië te Rotterdam, gebruikmakend van zijn wettelijke bevoegdheden als gevolg van de bepaling in artikel 18, Wet Inleiding tot het Burgerlijk Wetboek, geeft te kennen dat de heer Marcel Dorti Silva, geboren op 22-05-1983, woonachting te Eindhoven, zoon van Clais Silva en Maria Antonia Dorti de Oliveira Silva en mejuffrouw Carla Priscila Deyse Henrichs, geboren op 13/04/1982, woonachtig te Eindoven, dochter van Henrique Henrichs Neto en van Maria Odete Ramos Henrichs, te kennen hebben gegeven in het huwelijk wensen te treden en hebben daarvoor alle vereiste documenten overlegd volgens artikel 1.525, I t/m II, van de Braziliaanse Burgerlijk Wetboek. Diegene die op de hoogte is van enig beletsel is verplicht hiervan kennis te geven in overeenstemming met de wettelijke bepaligen.”
Parabéns pela união! Vocês formam um casal espetacular. Todo o amor do mundo.
Marcel &Carla I am so happy for you!
Naldy &Peter
Dat is heel erg leuk!! Gefeliciteerd lieverds en nog vele jaren samen met veel liefde en geluk.
Kusjes van ons!!
Muitas felicidades ao lindo casal! Parabéns!
Que Deus abençoe essa linda união.
I wish you best wishes! <3
Que maravilha de noticia ..desejo aos noivos e primos tudo de bom que a vida possa oferecer! paz, amor, saúde e prosperidade …felicidades meus queridos
Congratulations! I wish you all to be very happy! May God be the center of your marriage.
Que esta nova vida seja só de amor, paz e alegria, que os sonhos que compartilharem se torne realidade.
Parabéns e sejam muito felizes!
amo vcs
Congratulations Carlinha! I’m só happy for you!
Dear Marcel and Carla,
I’m so glad for both of you! May God bless your union and bring you prosperity on and on.
Hope to see you soon!
Kind regards,
Querida afilhada Carla, e querido Marcel que Deus os proteja e abençoe. Façam um ao outro muito feliz.
Que haja paz, perdão e amor sempre.
Seus padrinhos Beth e João
I’m so glad for you guys and I’ll wish the best wishes for you… that really good to hear:*
Parabéns ao Casal! Que Deus abenço a união de vocês! Muito amor e prosperidade a vocês!!!
Carlinha e Marcel toda felicidade do mundo pra vocês, que Deus abençoe essa união com muito amor e cumplicidade. Parabéns.