Residents concerned about ‘dark side’ of VDMA building

Residents are concerned about the 'shadow side' of the VDMA building
Photo credit: OMA/Plomp/Studio040

Residents of Tramstraat neighbourhood are concerned about the arrival of a residential tower on the VDMA site. In particular, the shadow that the building could cast over the neighbourhood is causing concerns among local residents.

In July, the renewed plans for VDMA site were presented by the Municipality of Eindhoven. Where two towers were initially planned – one for residential use and another for office space – it eventually became one. Due to the high costs, the tower with office space was scrapped.

Nevertheless, people who live near VDMA complex are stuck with that tower. Shade, noise pollution and strong winds are things that residents are concerned about, as appears from a letter that residents sent to the board of Mayor and Aldermen.


The plans of real estate developer Being, who will develop the site, do not sufficiently show how much the residents will be bothered by the shadow of the residential tower.

The lack of sunshine in the neighbourhood, in the gardens and on the terrace would be a great loss according to the residents. In addition, people who have invested in solar panels could feel cheated, residents say.


In addition, there are still concerns among residents about wind nuisance that could be caused by the new construction. The municipality’s densification vision would refer to a study in which the most extreme wind speeds are not taken into account. While the wind causes the greatest nuisance at times when it is blowing hardest.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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