Collaboration to filter CO2 from the air

Eindhoven research institute wants to filter CO2 from the air together with car manufacturer
Photo credit: Rijkswaterstaat/Harry van Reeken/Studio040

Differ, which is based in Eindhoven, conducts fundamental research into energy generation and collaborates with Japanese car manufacturer Toyota. Together, the parties have developed a machine that can filter CO2 from the air.

Normally, it takes a lot of energy to filter CO2 from the air. With the machine from Differ and Toyota, which was presented in Paris this summer, this would not be so bad. The machine works on solar energy. The machine also uses a technology that ensures that the CO2 is removed from the air but also transported to a storage location.

High expectations

Mihalis Tsampas is the research leader of the project on behalf of Differ and says that he has high expectations of the machine. “The invention is based on abundantly available materials and components, and therefore has a high exploitation potential”, Tsampas says.

According to Differ, the device would also be interesting to use in industries that emit a lot of CO2. In addition, Tsampas is already thinking further. “A next step could be to convert part of the stored CO2 into new fuels or chemicals”.

More initiatives

The machine from Differ and Toyota is not the only one of its kind. Two years ago, TU/e ​​students presented a car that could capture CO2 while driving. In addition, Carbyon, a company located on the High Tech Campus, is also working on a machine to extract CO2 from the air.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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