Coming home of MH17 victims commemorated

Coming home of MH17 victims commemorated: 'That day the Netherlands was at its best'
Photo credit: Studio040

The ‘homecoming’ of the victims of the disaster flight was commemorated on Tuesday afternoon at the MH17 monument near Eindhoven air base. Exactly ten years ago the first forty coffins arrived there. “That day ended a lot of uncertainty”.

“We still feel the connection after ten years”, Anton Kotte, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and grandson during the disaster, says. “The overwhelming support of the Dutch population. The procession of cars on A2 and the people throwing flowers on the side. That day the Netherlands was at its best”.

A moment of silence was held at the monument after the trumpet sounds of the Last Post. The base on which the monument stands contains 298 stones. This corresponds to the number of victims who lost their lives during the disaster.


The date 23 July, 2014 is deeply etched in the memory of Anton and other relatives. “That day put an end to a lot of uncertainty. Finally our loved ones came home”, Anton says. He regularly visits the monument, which was moved to a quieter place last year. “The visits often happens spontaneously. At least once or twice a month I am here”, he says.

Deputy Mayor Rik Thijs, the Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine Jennes Mol and the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Netherlands Oleksandr Karasevych were also present at the commemoration.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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