A man probably disappeared last week into the water of the fishpond at the Ekkersweijer in Son. The police is therefore looking for the identity of the man.
According to the witnesses, the man walked in the fishpond around 3.45 p.m. on Thursday. He went under, came up again and then went under again. After that the man was not seen anymore.
A rescue mission that same evening yielded nothing. Also an investigation with sonar equipment, the day after, gave no result. However, the police did not give up.
Clothing left at the side
The man, presumably of Polish origin, left an orange t-shirt and a pair of white shoes at the side of the pond. He would be about 60 years old, have dark hair and be 1.80 meters long. The man would have worn dark blue shorts.
The police would like to know who the man is. For the time being, it’s unknown if the man has really disappeared or not.
Source: www.studio040.nl
Translation: Chaitali Sengupta, who gives ONLINE Inburgering classes.