Illegal firework

Photo credit: Studio040/Police

An attentive mother found illegal fireworks in her son’s bedroom this weekend. She immediately warned police.

The hoard of illegal firework in the bedroom included “Cobras 6”. These are not just illegal, but also life-threatening. Police therefore confiscated the complete hoard. An official report was also made against the son.

Illegal firework

Various types of firework, including the “Cobras 6”, are illegal in the Netherlands but may be available in neighbouring countries, or through the internet. Such types of firework are illegal because they are life-threatening.

Possessing such illegal firework is not the only cause for arrest. Caught transporting or trading in illegal firework may also lead to getting arrested by Dutch police.

Police warn “Cobras 6” can be compared to a hand grenade. Any mistake lighting such firework may lead to the loss of a hand or worse.

Firework-free zones?

Meanwhile, some political parties in Eindhoven are in favour of B&W regulating firework-lighting.

Today, Tuesday 27th of November, GroenLinks, 50Plus, PvdA, Ouderen Appèl and D66, will put forward an official proposal “Fireworks fun for all”. “Vuurwerkpret voor allen” argues for a gradual introduction of less firework through implementing firework-free zones. The political parties also propose an organised central fireworks show.

Initiator Kay Sachse, councillor for GroenLinks, states that living in a densely populated city like Eindhoven must go hand in hand with tolerance. It is important that wishes of all people living in Eindhoven are met. The proposal, motie in Dutch, will be discussed in today’s council meeting in Eindhoven.

The number of people in favour of a ban on fireworks is growing. People who support plans for Dutch municipalities to declare more fireworks-free zones are also increasing in number.

Of the 153 incidents in Eindhoven during New Year 2017-2018, 61 were caused by fireworks. Eighteen people had to visit the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven with injuries. Over 54,000 Euro in damages was caused by firework lighted in public areas as well.

In Eindhoven, small-scale surveys on social media in for instance the Rochusbuurt, Schrijversbuurt and Tivoli, have shown that 61% of the inhabitants favour a ban, if a central firework-display is organised. Nineteen percent even want a complete ban on fireworks. Only 20% want to maintain the current situation.

The national government recently decided, municipalities will receive more power over declaring firework-free zones. Such zones may even extend to municipal boundaries.


Studio 040 Illegal fireworks
Studio 040 Firework-free zones

Police website (in Dutch) on firework, including advise and warnings

Translator: Kate


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