A full day of historic and theatrical entertainment in the village of Heeze on Sunday 26 August. All about Brabant’s past. Eindhoven News as the Brabantsedag Media Associate keeps you updated on this spectacular event.
On this day the small village of Heeze (10 km from Eindhoven) turns into a living theatre with theatrical displays on several squares throughout the day. As well as markets, circus acts and music, but the absolute highlight of the last Sunday in August is the fabulous and famous parade.
From 10:00h to approximately 19:00h, this will be the program on the ‘ambiance&taste’ squares where you can watch, listen, laugh, enjoy, eat and drink.
Of course, the squares will fall silent when the theatre parade approaches. But once the parade has passed, the show continues.
From 10:00h, on the parade route, you can enjoy street theatre by various theatre and music groups like Abacus: Steamroadsters, Birdmen and Cycling Circus and several traditional Brabant brass and hunting bands.
Street theatre: Bokkensprongen (Billy goat jumps) and Pinocchio, music: The Paris Plan and Orgel Vreten (Wolfing Organs).
(continuous). A host of visual artists in various disciplines and styles.
Steampunk-art on tour with metal artist Marcel Boonen, climbing and playable Grand Piano (continuous), playing and tinkering for our little guests (continuous), music by singer-songwriter André van den Boogaart from Tilburg, dance/theatre from Panama Pictures and Flairck (15:45 – 17:00). During the break and after, folk formation Smidje Verholen.
THEATRE KERK & KASTEEL (protestant church and castle)
Violinist Judith Noordzij and accordionist Sven van De Voorde; Gabriela Torres (violin) and Diederik Smulders (cello); Sophie Oltheten (harp); Guimar van der Weele (vocals) and Erik Verberne (guitar); listening songs by Stephan Peters Kwartet; singer-songwriter Oliver Pesch; music-theatre by Ivoren Toren (continuous).
Street theatre by Harley’s Angels; Folk by Smidje Verholen; music theatre by Toon Maas, Notoire Fanfare; music from I N D I A N A H; feel good party by VOF de Kunst; music by Straatband Op de Vlucht (Street band On the Run).
Music by Brassta! and Straatband Op de Vlucht.
It is a good day to find out more on how Brabanders make music, theatre and party. Historical events are displayed and you will get a better idea on how the people of rural Noord-Brabant and Flemish Brabant passed their time for centuries.
For Eindhoven News: Irene Martens
Pictures: Brabantsedag.nl/pers