Six organizations awarded with appreciation check

Counselor Torunoglu rewarded six Eindhoven initiatives with an appreciation check of 1000 euro each.

With this reward, the municipality wants to show how important and effective it is when people are committed to their own neighbourhood. It is a helping hand to make it possible to continue to carry on the good work of the volunteers.

Buurpad (neighbourhood path) near Sinten area received a check for their initiative Buurpad, which aims to let children play outside and to make residents feel more involved in their neighborhood.

Further, the rewards were handed over to ‘Groene Lantaarns’ (green lanterns) of Marco Groenen, Association of ‘Detailhandel Binnenstad’ (retail city centre) Eindhoven, Scouting Doornakkers, Association BIEB, ‘Bewoners Inloop’ (citizen walk-in), neighbourhood centre ‘Dommelbeemd’, and the volunteers of ‘Jongeren Centrum Brigade’.

All organizations have contributed in their own way to the quality of life in their neighbourhood. They may spend the grant at their own discretion.

Source: Studio040
Translation: Usha Shankar

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