Politicians in Nuenen municipal council feel that Nuenen should offer to host refugees from, among other, Syria.
All eleven parties in the council are calling on the mayor and aldermen to produce a plan of action. In this way, Nuenen can also contribute to tackling the refugee crisis. The political parties feel that Nuenen should host the legal minimum amount of refugees with residence permits in the coming years. The municipality has not achieved that up till now.
Nuenen’s council should be actively consulting with owners of business premises, and talking to organisations such as Vluchtelingenwerk and the COA (Central Agency for the reception of Asylum Seekers), according to council fraction. The should also be looking into potential temporary living accommodation with private individuals, or in government or business premises. The parties feel that residents of Nuenen should also be taking part in this process.
The municipality wants the aldermen to produce a detailed plan, this autumn.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Lizzie Kean (LinkedIn)