Literacy Action Week

There are about 29,000 functional illiterates in Eindhoven, according to the Provincial service organization ‘Brabantse Bibliotheken’. The city also counts some 43,000 digital illiterates.

The library is going to address the problem this week by organizing a so-called ‘litteracy lunch’, where social organizations, politicians and business people are going to discuss the situation. Ster College Eindhoven staff will also be part of the discussion. They offer courses to illiterates.
Currently, 874 people are taking a course at Ster College.

The library organizes the lunch, but does not offer any further help to illiterates. Budgets cuts are the reason they cannot offer any help now. Future plans exist, however.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 September, Ster College organizes an Open Day for illiterates.

Source: Studio040

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